A treasure trove of Problems, Solutions, and Original Articles!
Presentation: The Current State of WordPress Security
I am thrilled to be presenting at next week's Los Angeles WordPress Meetup in Hollywood. I'll be talking about WordPress security myths, mistakes and must-have knowledge for WordPress site administrators and owners. After my presentation I'm exceptionally excited to...

Add referer URL to Contact Form 7 Form and Email.
For those of you supporting WordPress sites with Contact Form 7, this is a quick customization you can do to make sure that your form submissions provide a little extra information about where the user was previously before accessing your form. Here is the URL of the...

How can I use a MD5 or SHA1 checksum to verify a downloaded file?
I recently wrote an article about MD5 and SHA1 hashing algorithms and how they are commonly used around the internet. Creating an MD5 or SHA1 hash is relatively easy. There are a good many applications out there that can be used to generate all...

What is an MD5 or SHA1 checksum?
A good number of websites, especially those that provide large software downloads like Apple and Microsoft, have begun providing what looks like a long string of random numbers and letters with the title of either MD5 or SHA1. MD5 (Message Digest...

Cindy B.
I have worked with many IT techs over the years at various jobs and I can say without a doubt you are the best one I've ever known! (and that includes my brother!!!). Cindy B. Los Angeles, CA

Hollywood WordPress Presentation – An Ecommerce Primer with WooCommerce and You!
Here is the slideshow I presented last night at the Hollywood WordPress Meetup at WeWork in Hollywood. Thanks to everyone for joining us for a great evening! CLICK HERE to download

Dennis M. – Los Angeles, CA
Greg Madore has been my concierge tech support for about 4 years. During that time he also helped my wife, an artist who has limited experience with technology. Having worked with high-tech companies since 1995, I have known a lot of people who do tech support. Greg...
How can I find and replace addresses in Apple Mail and Address Book?
Like many of you reading this, I hate doing repetitive work. Yes, there is a way to do this, but it is not built into Apple Mail or Address Book. Like many things in Mac OS X, the underpinnings of the Mac OS X Address (or ""...

What can I say but thank you.
Dear Greg, What can I say but thank you. I know your business is to provide a service to your customers when problems arise with our computers and their support hardware and software. I want you to know how much your are appreciated with your approach and resolution...

You are my new hero!
Hi Greg, Thanks so much for all your work. You are my new hero... Best. Freyda Los Angeles, CA
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