Here are the Posts from the category "Support":

What is an MD5 or SHA1 checksum?
A: A good number of websites, especially those that provide large software downloads like Apple and Microsoft, have begun providing what looks like a long string of random numbers and letters with the title of either MD5 or SHA1. MD5 (Message Digest rev. 5) and SHA1... read moreHow can I find and replace addresses in Apple Mail and Address Book?
A: Like many of you reading this, I hate doing repetitive work. Yes, there is a way to do this, but it is not built into Apple Mail or Address Book. Like many things in Mac OS X, the underpinnings of the Mac OS X Address Book.app (or “Contacts.app” as it... read moreDownload Earlier versions of Firefox
I recently stumbled upon something that I thought others might find handy. HERE is Mozilla’s store of all of their earlier versions of Firefox should you need it for testing or for supporting older hardware. You can also access something similar (but more user... read more
Why does Quickbooks 2010 lock up when reconciling accounts?
A: This is an apparent issue with the default configuration within QuickBooks 2010. Now some sites claim that Release Update 11 solves the issue. You can try that yourself, because with QuickBooks, its always important to install those new updates (or to have your... read moreMissing the PDF icon preview in Windows 7 Explorer?
A: This is a very nuanced problem and most people will likely not care that instead of getting a nice preview icon on your PDF’s you get the traditional Adobe general PDF icon. If you are the type of person who wants your computer to work the way you have set it... read moreI restored my Windows 7 computer from a DriveImage XML Disk Image, why doesn’t it boot up?
A: So you’ve been a conscientious user and have religiously backed up your computer using some form of imaging software. Over the years I have used many imaging software solutions, all have their own unique capabilities and all do basically the same thing.... read more