Here are the Posts from the category "History":

Download Earlier versions of Firefox
I recently stumbled upon something that I thought others might find handy. HERE is Mozilla’s store of all of their earlier versions of Firefox should you need it for testing or for supporting older hardware. You can also access something similar (but more user... read morePersonal thoughts on Steve Jobs’ Passing
To all: Many of you know I worked for Apple, Inc. during its Renaissance. That truly is what Steve Jobs has done in my lifetime. He ushered in a true Renaissance of technological innovation that I’ve had the pleasure to witness and be a part of throughout my... read moreThe History of the Tablet is Apple’s Tablet History
Most people think that Apple has been the latecomer to the world of tablet computing. The truth is just the opposite. Apple has been working on tablet computing since before the first Macintosh rolled off the assembly line. I can’t take credit for this article,... read more
What is DNS?
A: Semantically, DNS is an acronym for Domain Name Service. It is a service that runs on computers connected to a network. The computers that perform the Domain Name Service are known as Domain Name Service Servers. This is (thankfully) shortened to DNS Servers. So... read more