A treasure trove of Problems, Solutions, and Original Articles!
You’re Great!
I just want to say what a pleasure it is to work with you. I have been continuously impressed with your ability to explain problems in simple, user-friendly terms. You are so responsive and friendly, it makes working with you so painless - and fun! I will recommend...
The Low Down on Quicken 2007 “Lion Compatible”
I very-much intentionally put quotation marks around the "Lion Compatible" portion of Intuit's latest version of Quicken for the Mac. A few days ago, Intuit sent out emails to registered users of supported version of Quicken for Mac (2005-2007)...

How do I “block” an email address on iCloud?
Like my other post regarding "blocking" email addresses on MobileMe, what I'm going to describe isn't really blocking in the truest sense of the word. Technically, we are using a server side rule to perform this function and you wouldn't want to...

Kelly N.
Just wanted to thank you again for taking such good care of my baby (Mac)! It is running so incredibly fast, I can't even comprehend the fact that I lived with anything else! All the best, Kelly N. Westwood, CA
Phishing and Phaking
Email and website phishing has become much more convincing as of late. As you can see here, one of my clients actually received an award via an email that had their name on the image of the award which was part of the email message! This article will contain examples...
Adventures in iOS Troubleshooting
The Culprit Apple iPod Touch (4th Generation) Model Number: A1367 Order Number: MC544LL/A Capacity: 32GB 11.9 GB Free Space The Symptoms Following the iOS 5 and 5.0.1 updates there appears to be random periodic crashes in many applications. This is independent of...
How do I Lock my Mac Without Logging Off
In Windows, I can use the "Ctrl + L" keyboard shortcut to quickly lock my screen without actually closing down any of my programs. How can I Lock my Mac without quitting everything and logging off? On the Mac, there really...

Bob P.
I just want to thank you so much for the all the help over the years with everything. You always have the patience of a saint and you have such a great way of explaining so a novice like me understands. You have also always been fair in your billing and that is much...
How do I change my Windows Product Key?
For most of my customers, Windows licensing is never an issue. They purchase a computer, use it until it isn't working satisfactorily buy a new computer and transfer their data. There is nothing wrong with that but for people that are in a small...
Personal thoughts on Steve Jobs’ Passing
To all: Many of you know I worked for Apple, Inc. during its Renaissance. That truly is what Steve Jobs has done in my lifetime. He ushered in a true Renaissance of technological innovation that I've had the pleasure to witness and be a part of throughout my life. My...
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