Here are the Posts from the category "Web Technology":

Add referer URL to Contact Form 7 Form and Email.
For those of you supporting WordPress sites with Contact Form 7, this is a quick customization you can do to make sure that your form submissions provide a little extra information about where the user was previously before accessing your form. Here is the URL of the... read more
How can I use a MD5 or SHA1 checksum to verify a downloaded file?
A: I recently wrote an article about MD5 and SHA1 hashing algorithms and how they are commonly used around the internet. Creating an MD5 or SHA1 hash is relatively easy. There are a good many applications out there that can be used to generate all sorts of checksums.... read more
What is an MD5 or SHA1 checksum?
A: A good number of websites, especially those that provide large software downloads like Apple and Microsoft, have begun providing what looks like a long string of random numbers and letters with the title of either MD5 or SHA1. MD5 (Message Digest rev. 5) and SHA1... read more
Hollywood WordPress Presentation – An Ecommerce Primer with WooCommerce and You!
Here is the slideshow I presented last night at the Hollywood WordPress Meetup at WeWork in Hollywood. Thanks to everyone for joining us for a great evening! CLICK HERE to download a PDF of this presentation. read more
What is DNS?
A: Semantically, DNS is an acronym for Domain Name Service. It is a service that runs on computers connected to a network. The computers that perform the Domain Name Service are known as Domain Name Service Servers. This is (thankfully) shortened to DNS Servers. So... read more
FamilyShield by OpenDNS
I just received a little snippet of info from my old alma mater about a product called “FamilyShield” by the well known DNS supplier OpenDNS. On many occasions, we receive questions from people about family safety on the web. They generally take the form... read more