A treasure trove of Problems, Solutions, and Original Articles!Visual differences between Office 2008 and Office 2011
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How do I “block” an email address on MobileMe?
Ok, so what I'm going to describe isn't really blocking in the truest sense of the word. Technically, we are using a server side rule to perform this function and you wouldn't want to use something like this for a large amount of emails. For that...
How to manually reset Apple’s “Sync Services” database in Terminal
Launch the Terminal application. It is found inside "Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities". Run this command in the Terminal application:/System/Library/Frameworks/SyncServices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ full
How to export an Apple System Profiler report
We oftentimes run across a situation where one of our clients needs assistance determining their current hardware and software specifications. The most common reason for this is that they would like to install a software application or use a new shiny device with...

Kate F.
You were a life saver for us! I don't know what we would have gotten ourselves into if you hadn't helped us out! Kate F. Wrightwood, CA
Replace “Archive” with “Delete” for GMail on iOS
It has been well documented that GMail works a little "differently" when compared to any other email service. That being said, with the release of the last two versions of iOS, when you swipe your finger across a message in an IMAP connected GMail account,...
Outlook 2011: Connect to a public folder (Exchange)
In previous articles we discussed how to create Public Folders (Mac/Win). Now that you've successfully created your Public Folder, you actually have to tell Outlook to connect to it. If you were the one that created the folder then you already have permission to...
Outlook 2011: Create a new public folder (Exchange)
Public Folders on an Exchange server are often used by companies to store data that large numbers of people need access to. Permissions on these folders (Mac/Win) can be completely controlled in the same way as other folders on an Exchange server. They can also be...
Outlook 2007: Create a new public folder (Exchange)
Public Folders on an Exchange server are often used by companies to store data that large numbers of people need access to. Permissions on these folders (Mac/Win) can be completely controlled in the same way as other folders on an Exchange server. They can also be...
“Ping”less in iTunes
Many of us long for the days of a "Ping"less iTunes. Ping is one of those services that is a work in progress and in the process of its implementation into iTunes, Apple removed functionality that some of us actually used daily. For example, the Ping drop down menu...
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