Here are the Posts from the category "Q&A":
Restart a Windows 7 computer connected via Remote Desktop Connection
A:Among many things Windows 7 introduced was a lack of a convenient method to shutdown a computer you are connected to remotely. In Windows XP a remotely connected administrator used to be able to launch taskmgr.exe and use the shutdown command there. However, that... read moreIs your AT&T iPhone Ready for Traveling Abroad
A: So you’re traveling internationally soon? That’s great, according to the AT&T website, you may already have International roaming included with your service. To verify, you would want to call 611 on your AT&T phone to verify or to opt-out. If... read more
The Right way to Move your iTunes Library
A:Maybe you are a “drag-and-dropper” when it comes to backing up, or maybe you are trying to relocate your large music library to a new external drive. Or maybe you have a relatively small iTunes library and were hoping to take it with you on your keychain... read more
What is DNS?
A: Semantically, DNS is an acronym for Domain Name Service. It is a service that runs on computers connected to a network. The computers that perform the Domain Name Service are known as Domain Name Service Servers. This is (thankfully) shortened to DNS Servers. So... read more
How do I “block” an email address on MobileMe?
A: Ok, so what I’m going to describe isn’t really blocking in the truest sense of the word. Technically, we are using a server side rule to perform this function and you wouldn’t want to use something like this for a large amount of emails. For that... read moreHow to manually reset Apple’s “Sync Services” database in Terminal
A: Launch the Terminal application. It is found inside “Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities”. Run this command in the Terminal application:/System/Library/Frameworks/SyncServices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ read more