A treasure trove of Problems, Solutions, and Original Articles!Manually add a Tiger Software Update Server System
Here is a good link for adding a custom Tiger Software Update Server.
MSI software update registration corruption issues (error -1612)
Here is a support site that explains about various error messages associated with MSI Software Update registration corruption: Software can report an error message indicator of -1612
Port Forwarding Required for Nextiva VOIP Service
5060-5080 UDP 10000-30000 UDP
QoS on Linksys RV082
Here is a link for information about setting up VOIP quality of service on the Linksys RV082 router.
Quicktime Icon for Preview
When media player software gets updated, oftentimes (unless the user instructs the installer NOT to make the changes) file associations get shifted to the new program being installed. We have seen this happen most commonly with iTunes, Quicktime, Windows Media Player,...
QuickVPN Client for WRVS4400N
Here is a quick link to the QuickVPN Client (for Windows) for the WRVS4400N router.
QuickVPN Setup Instructions
Instructions on how to setup the QuickVPN system on Linksys/Cisco routers can be found here: Internal note: Addition information can be found on this document:...
Real World Drobo Benchmarks
Read from 5400RPM 500GB MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz over USB2.0 Write to DroboPro 6.57GB=6570MB 4:44.5=284.5s 23.1MB/s Write to 5400RPM 500GB MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz over USB2.0 Read from DroboPro 6.57GB=6570MB 3:33.6=213.6s 30.8MB/s Read from 5400RPM 500GB MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz...
Remove an Application from a Blackberry
People that own a Blackberry may not know there is a way to de-clutter your portable assistant. On your blackberry, go to Options > Advanced Options > Applications. Scroll through the list and highlight the one you want to remove. Click on it, choose Delete. It will...
Snow Leopard Early Experiences
To those who have expressed an interest in Snow Leopard... This brief article contains a summary of my first impressions with Snow Leopard. Within my environment I currently have the following workstations and they serve the following purposes. - Power Mac G5 (Late...
Problem displaying Facebook posts.
Click to show error
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