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Distiller and Snow Leopard

Apparently there is a particular issue with some versions of Adobe Distiller and Snow Leopard in which, when Distiller is visible, it uses 90% of your system resources. This drops down to 10% if Distiller is simply collapsed to the dock. Here is a website that...

Force IE to Not Reuse Open Windows

1. Open Internet Explorer. 2. Select Tools from the menu bar. 3. Click Internet Options. 4. Click the Advanced tab. 5. Uncheck Reuse Windows For Launching Shortcuts (under Browsing). 6. Click OK.

How to Reset Leopard Back to the Setup Assistant

This is being included here as a relink from the following post: This hint will probably be most useful for folks who configure machines for a living, but if you're selling or giving away your machine, or...

iTunes Convert AAC to MP3

-- Is there a way to convert the files I have imported to MP3 or am I stuck with what I have. Easy answer to what seems like an easy question... Yes, you can easily convert non-protected (non-iTunes purchased) AAC audio files (the variant of MP4 that iTunes by default...


Here is the link for creating user-interface elements easily with CSS/AJAX/JavaScript. Works really well. Here is the demo page: Here is the site to customize the theme to something that will work better within your particular application:...

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